BEST MEDICINES AND ANESTHETICS. Nicandri Theriaca et alexipharmaca. Ioannes Gorrhaeus latinis versibus reddidit Italicis vero qui nunc primum in lucem prodeunt Ant. Mar. Salvinius. Accedunt variantes codicum lectiones, selectae adnotationes, et Graeca EutecnI Sophistae Metaphrasis ex codicibus Mediceae, & Vindobon. Bibliothecae descripta ac nondum edita curante Ang. Mar. Bandinio I.V.D. S C. M. Regio mediceae bibliothecae et pub. Marucellianae praefecto. Florentiae ex Officina Mouckiana, 1764. 8th, pp. 8x.a.+376, In Greek and Latin. It contains in the first Greek edition "Eutecnius the Sophist of Nicander's Therian translations". Two-color title page, black - red ink. Parchment.

450 - 500 €

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BEST MEDICINES AND ANESTHETICS. Nicandri Theriaca et alexipharmaca. Ioannes Gorrhaeus latinis versibus reddidit Italicis vero qui nunc primum in lucem prodeunt Ant. Mar. Salvinius. Accedunt variantes codicum lectiones, selectae adnotationes, et Graeca EutecnI Sophistae Metaphrasis ex codicibus Mediceae, & Vindobon. Bibliothecae descripta ac nondum edita curante Ang. Mar. Bandinio I.V.D. S C. M. Regio mediceae bibliothecae et pub. Marucellianae praefecto. Florentiae ex Officina Mouckiana, 1764. 8th, pp. 8x.a.+376, In Greek and Latin. It contains in the first Greek edition "Eutecnius the Sophist of Nicander's Therian translations". Two-color title page, black - red ink. Parchment.
