RESULTING BOOKS EX. Manethonis Apotelesmaticorum libri sex. Nunc primum ex bibliotheca Medicea editi cura Jacobi Gronovii qui etiam Latine vertit ac notas adjecit. Lifduni - Batavorum, apud Fredericum Haaring, 1698. 8o, p. 16x.a.+296. p. 1-137 Greek text and 138-296 Latin. Menethon lived in the 3rd century BC. He came from the city of Sevennytos in Lower Egypt, but lived in Diospolis and Heliopolis of which he was high priest. According to Plutarch he was one of the two priestly advisers of the Pharaoh, who had entrusted them with spreading the cult of the god Serapis. In the "Effectives" written in Greek, it is described how the stars influence the fate of people. Fix to title page. Leather on the spine.

€700 - €800

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RESULTING BOOKS EX. Manethonis Apotelesmaticorum libri sex. Nunc primum ex bibliotheca Medicea editi cura Jacobi Gronovii qui etiam Latine vertit ac notas adjecit. Lifduni - Batavorum, apud Fredericum Haaring, 1698. 8o, p. 16x.a.+296. p. 1-137 Greek text and 138-296 Latin. Menethon lived in the 3rd century BC. He came from the city of Sevennytos in Lower Egypt, but lived in Diospolis and Heliopolis of which he was high priest. According to Plutarch he was one of the two priestly advisers of the Pharaoh, who had entrusted them with spreading the cult of the god Serapis. In the "Effectives" written in Greek, it is described how the stars influence the fate of people. Fix to title page. Leather on the back.
