Vienna, September 10. We read in a letter from Poros, dated July 21, the following: "The English Admiral Hamilton, who had been in the harbor of Smyrna for eighteen months, unexpectedly appeared at Poros. Mr. Elliott, secretary of the English embassy, ??arrived at Smyrna on the 7th of July, coming from Constantinople, and was on board. Mavrocordatos and Trikoupis met with him and headed together towards the bay of Nafplio, where the English admiral Codrington was. The Greek fleet remained inactive, which was all the more surprising since there was constant talk of the departure of the great Egyptian expedition from Alexandria. Disgruntled Hydraians refused to serve under

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Vienna, September 10. We read in a letter from Poros, dated July 21, the following: "The English Admiral Hamilton, who had been in the harbor of Smyrna for eighteen months, unexpectedly appeared at Poros. Mr. Elliott, secretary of the English embassy, ??arrived at Smyrna on the 7th of July, coming from Constantinople, and was on board. Mavrocordatos and Trikoupis met with him and headed together towards the bay of Nafplio, where the English admiral Codrington was. The Greek fleet remained inactive, which was all the more surprising since there was constant talk of the departure of the great Egyptian expedition from Alexandria. The disgruntled Hydraians refused to serve under Lord Cochrane. The arrival of this lord has caused problems in the navy that continue to increase. Old Miaoulis, realizing that the campaign planned against Alexandria was of no avail, resigned the chiefship of Greece and took his brig, his example being followed by a large number. Miaoulis said, in this regard, to one of his friends, who asked him: "I am too simple a man to act in concert with Lord Cochrane who speaks only of great works and who hopes that the Ottoman fortresses will not resist the attempts of more than fifteen days..." Also publication of the July 6 ultimatum by the Great Powers. “That moreover, and to facilitate the success of this mediation, they propose to the government of the Sublime Gate a truce, suspending their hostile actions against the Greeks, to whom a similar proposal is at present addressed. They hope that within a fortnight, the Diwani will make known its decision. The undersigned ambassadors hope that the wishes of the Allied Courts will be complied with, but it is their duty not to conceal from Reis Effendi that further refusal, evasion, or insufficient answer, even absolute silence, by his Government, puts the Allied Courts in need to resort to measures they deem appropriate to put an end to a state of affairs which has become incompatible with the true interests of the Sublime Porte..." 2nd, p. 4. In French.
