No. 210. Dimanche, 29 Juillet 1827. Smyrna, June 16. The Impartial Observer publishes dated 7 June from Salamis, the detailed report of Major Corner, commander of the Austrian brig Il Veneto, to Colonel Count Dandolo, commander-in-chief of the Austrian naval forces in the Mediterranean. Here is the gist of the report: "The schooner Henriette sailed on the 28th of May, to bring you the news of the evacuation of the camp of Faliros, which was done by order from above. We embarked seven pieces of 3 and 6, but six pieces of large caliber fell into the hands of the Turks. On 29 May, several signals were seen and a parliamentary flag was seen flying on the Acropolis. My dealer told me it would cost €40 - €60.

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No. 210. Dimanche, 29 Juillet 1827. Smyrna, June 16. The Impartial Observer publishes dated 7 June from Salamis, the detailed report of Major Corner, commander of the Austrian brig Il Veneto, to Colonel Count Dandolo, commander-in-chief of the Austrian naval forces in the Mediterranean. Here is the gist of the report: "The schooner Henriette sailed on the 28th of May, to bring you the news of the evacuation of the camp of Faliros, which was done by order from above. We embarked seven pieces of 3 and 6, but six pieces of large caliber fell into the hands of the Turks. On 29 May, several signals were seen and a parliamentary flag was seen flying on the Acropolis. The serasquier indicated to me that he would be glad to see the negotiations for the surrender of the place under my auspices commenced. To this end I sent Captain Rocco, who went to the Greek outposts, with the approval of the Seraskiere. The Greeks asked him to return the next day, so that the leaders could discuss and give him a letter for me. On the 31st of May, at nine o'clock in the evening, the guard sent me the following letter: “Master Commander, the Acropolis Guard thanks you for your efforts. Having received from our general the order to surrender the citadel, we have decided to accept the capitulation you proposed. The garrison is firmly convinced that it has done its duty, and that it therefore hopes to obtain an honorable capitulation, otherwise it would continue to defend itself…” And he continues the extensive text with the surrender and evacuation of Athens. 2nd, p. 4. In French.
