No. 207. Jeudi, 26 Juillet 1827. Response from Corfu, June 21. The Greeks are very active in fortifying and supplying the acropolis of Argos and Acrocorinth. They took the women and children from this last fortress and sent them to the island of Aegina. A body was also landed near Megara from those who were in front of the city of Athens, the leaders of this body sent the generals Krieziotis and Panourgias, who now occupy the city of Salona and part of Livadeia, the rest of this province has been assigned to the general Nako, originally from the country. According to our last letters, the Greeks, feeling too weak to oppose the enemy face to face, planned to c

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No. 207. Jeudi, 26 Juillet 1827. Response from Corfu, June 21. The Greeks are very active in fortifying and supplying the acropolis of Argos and Acrocorinth. They took the women and children from this last fortress and sent them to the island of Aegina. A body was also landed near Megara from those who were in front of the city of Athens, the leaders of this body sent the generals Krieziotis and Panourgias, who now occupy the city of Salona and part of Livadeia, the rest of this province has been assigned to the general Nako, originally from the country. According to our last letters, the Greeks, feeling too weak to oppose the enemy face to face, designed to capture Thermopylae, to cut off Resit Pasha's communication with Thessaly, and thus to deprive him of the supplies which he had hitherto conveyed to his camp. Captains Katzos and Doubiotis occupied the position at Thermopylae, closing this passage... ... Ibrahim Pasha had just left the fortress of Patras, advanced at the head of a body of Arabs towards the city of Vostitsa, wrote letters which are circulating and are addressed to the Greek chieftains, promising to leave them captains in their provinces if they want to recognize him as a master and come to pay him homage... ...General Church is still on the island of Aegina, awaiting the first movement of Resit Pasha, keeping this island clean, ready to go wherever the need of the country calls him. Lord Cochrane is busy at Hydra with the departure of the Greek fleet, which will consist of 40 to 45 ships and 35 gunboats, the masters who will be part of it have been warned for a month to keep their ships ready. Only fifteen of the fireballs belong to the government, the rest belong to private individuals, who equip them at their own expense. 2nd, p. 4. In French.
