No. 181. Samedi, 30 June 1827. Vienna, 19 June. The General Gazette of Greece, dated May 9, contains the following report by General Tsorts to the government committee on the death of General Karaiskakis: "From the camp of Faliros, May 5, 1827. It is with deep sorrow that I announce to the distinguished government committee that the country and the army are deprived of the services of the brave General Karaiskakis, general of the Greek troops on the mainland. This worthy general, whose loss is mourned by the army, died as a result of a wound received yesterday. I am sending you the report of the battle, which was important because it deprived Greece of one of its most worthy commanders and many soldiers who

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No. 181. Samedi, 30 June 1827. Vienna, 19 June. The General Gazette of Greece, dated May 9, contains the following report by General Tsorts to the government committee on the death of General Karaiskakis: "From the camp of Faliros, May 5, 1827. It is with deep sorrow that I announce to the distinguished government committee that the country and the army are deprived of the services of the brave General Karaiskakis, general of the Greek troops on the mainland. This worthy general, whose loss is mourned by the army, died as a result of a wound received yesterday. I send you the account of the battle, which was important because it deprived Greece of one of her most worthy commanders, and many soldiers killed or wounded at the same time. Yesterday, around nine o'clock (three hours after noon), some soldiers of the irregular troops fired at an enemy station established at Faliro... ...This resulted in the loss of some officers and soldiers killed or wounded, besides General Karaiskakis General Nikitas was wounded, the English Captain Witheona who had distinguished himself several times was seriously wounded by cannon fire. Panagiotis from Vityna, assistant to general Hatzis Michalis, was also seriously injured..." ...The government committee officially announced to the national assembly the great loss that the country had just suffered and the president of the assembly as well as many deputies, the commander-in-chief of the Peloponnesian troops and all the soldiers who were in Troizina, went to Poros to attend the funeral... ...The General Gazette of Greece also publishes the report of Mr. Hastings, commander of the ship Karteria, about the expedition he made in the Gulf of Volos...2nd, p. 4. In French.
