No. 40. Vendredi, 9 Fevrier 1827. The Gazette de Lausanne contains the following news: The defeat of the Turks in Athens, Domvraina and Arachova is confirmed daily. Favieros remains commander of the Acropolis of Athens. Karaiskakis, after the case of Arachova, went to Salona, ??with the aim of penetrating into Western Greece and joining the commander Makris, who, for several days, has entered Vrachori (six leagues from Messolongi.) In Arta, the Turks are experiencing great stress. They are afraid of the unexpected movement that has once again awakened and revitalized Greece. Karatassos is located in the province of Boeotia and occupies all the passes. The Turkish families who had come to Messolonghi to settle there were sent

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No. 40. Vendredi, 9 Fevrier 1827. The Gazette de Lausanne contains the following news: The defeat of the Turks in Athens, Domvraina and Arachova is confirmed daily. Favieros remains commander of the Acropolis of Athens. Karaiskakis, after the case of Arachova, went to Salona, ??with the aim of penetrating into Western Greece and joining the commander Makris, who, for several days, has entered Vrachori (six leagues from Messolongi.) In Arta, the Turks are experiencing great stress. They are afraid of the unexpected movement that has once again awakened and revitalized Greece. Karatassos is located in the province of Boeotia and occupies all the passes. The Turkish families who had come to Messolonghi to settle there were all sent back to Preveza. It is claimed that Ibrahim seeks to leave the Peloponnese and board his fleet for Alexandria. Although this news needs confirmation, it is at least certain that he has long since retired to Methoni, where he is in a sense besieged, with an army weakened by frequent battles. Letters from Trieste of January 14 announce, according to letters from Zakynthos of January 1, that Admiral Miaoulis attacked the Turkish fleet near the island of Zea, captured two corvettes and three brigs, and scattered or sank the remainder. Letters from Zakynthos, dated January 9, also announce that Ibrahim Pasha, who found himself cut off between the fortresses of Methoni and Navarino, was attacked by the combined army of Kolokotronis, Nikitas, Gennaios, and Botsaris, 3,000 men in all. The battle was bloody, and the noise of the cannon was such that it was heard five leagues round. Ibrahim, at the head of 3,000 picked men, attempted to rout the troops of Gennaius, but was repulsed with loss, and, after a five-hour battle, his troops fled to Methoni, leaving 1,500 men on the field of battle, a large number of wounded and prisoners, 14 flags, 8 cannons and 300 horses...2nd, p. 4. In French.
