No. 103. Vendredi, 13 Avril 1827. Istanbul, 10 March. Mr. Stratford Canning has not yet received any answer from the Divan to his note of the 5th of February, and as the words of the Reis Effendi to this envoy, as well as to M. de Ribeaupierre, leave little hope of the consent of the Porte to their propositions, the two ambassadors are said to have agreed to wait for a fixed day to make a final joint effort with the greatest possible energy. As for Count Guigeminos, his instructions do not seem to permit him to go so far, and though he advised Reis Effendi to accept the proposals of his colleagues, yet we believe that his proposals are somewhat nearer, e

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No. 103. Vendredi, 13 Avril 1827. Istanbul, 10 March. Mr. Stratford Canning has not yet received any answer from the Divan to his note of the 5th of February, and as the words of the Reis Effendi to this envoy, as well as to M. de Ribeaupierre, leave little hope of the consent of the Porte to their propositions, the two ambassadors are said to have agreed to wait for a fixed day to make a final joint effort with the greatest possible energy. As for Count Guigeminos, his instructions do not seem to permit him to go so far, and although he advised Reis Effendi to accept the proposals of his colleagues, yet we believe that his proposals are somewhat nearer, it is true, to her views of England and Russia on the question of Greece, however, was not officially accepted by the conference of April 4, 1826. March 11. The indirect accession of Austria and Prussia to the approaches of the ambassadors of Russia and England was limited, it is believed, on the part of Mr. d'Ottenfels, and the Prussian commission, of Mr. de Miller, to advise Reis Effendi to accept the proposals of these two forces. From this we conclude that the Courts of Vienna and Berlin have acceded or will accede to the protocol of the April 4th conferences. All this is done to convince the Gate that there will be no restriction on simple performances. Armaments continue with additions to the arsenal and the new military organization is moving at a fairly rapid pace. In Athens, things seem to have taken a more favorable turn for the Greeks. Trieste, March 30. The latest letters from Corfu, dated March 16, confirm the favorable news about the Acropolis. The Greeks supplied the area and pushed Seraskieris one league away from Athens. This retreat gave time to bring food and ammunition to the Acropolis. Omer Pasha suffered defeat in Distomo. The national assembly of Aegina continues its meetings with more calm. 2nd, p. 6. In French.
