No. 34. Samedi, 3 Feviier 1827. Milos, 16 December. The members of the provisional government of Greece have been meeting for several days in Aegina to await the other leaders of the nation, and to renew the organizational system of the 4th term. It is possible that this general assembly will not take place due to the disagreement of many leaders from different regions of Greece. The Hydraians and Speciotes want this assembly to be held at Poros, the present governors united with the Psarians want it at Aegina, the Moraites at Kastri or some other city of the Peloponnese, and the Rumeliote captains at some point near the places where they are encamped. The latter fear that they will find themselves too weak in the Peninsula,

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No. 34. Samedi, 3 Feviier 1827. Milos, 16 December. The members of the provisional government of Greece have been meeting for several days in Aegina to await the other leaders of the nation, and to renew the organizational system of the 4th term. It is possible that this general assembly will not take place due to the disagreement of many leaders from different regions of Greece. The Hydraians and Speciotes want this assembly to be held at Poros, the present governors united with the Psarians want it at Aegina, the Moraites at Kastri or some other city of the Peloponnese, and the Rumeliote captains at some point near the places where they are encamped. The latter fear that they will find themselves too weak in the Peninsula, against the Moraites, as they will hardly venture anything on an island. A main reason, which does not allow Hydraians to give the necessary importance to this national assembly, is a violent uprising that broke out in Hydra a few days ago. The lords of that island and almost all the captains were forced to flee to Poros, with their ships and families to escape the fury of the people. The cause of this rebellion is the division of the spoils made by the corsairs during the last two years, of which the ship-owners have not given an exact account to their crews. The discontent of the latter manifested itself in the plundering of the houses of their chiefs, and the insurrection reached such a point that Mr. Hamilton, who was then at Hydra with his frigate and wished to appease the spirits, was threatened by the frenzied people with fire in English ships. The Cambrian is now in the Poros with an English brig, to protect the lords in case the rebels want to take their ships. The frigate Hellas has meanwhile arrived from America at Hydra, under the Greek flag, and is armed with 60 guns. From Aegina came the order to go to Nafplio. Ibrahim-Pasas is still near Tripolitsa. The Egyptian fleet, numbering 57 sailing ships, arrived at Navarino, and brought ammunition and war supplies, but no troops. 2nd, p. 8. In French.
